Mountah Ash's Musings

The musings of a chronically ill girl named after a tree.

(Comments are virtual hugs. Please leave me some.)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Summer goes so fast it is crazy.
A minute ago I was finishing school and now I am about to start again. VBS was fun. I was the narrator for Bible story, with my friend Darrian.
And now Washburn is coming up. Which is awesome.
However, when Washburn ends, that means that school is about to start.

I hope school goes well this year. Algebra and Geometry, Danish and Latin.
I hope I can find a job, but for now I am just going to relax.

Sleepovers and Pool parties, the works. That is what summer is for me. Friends, family, fun, sun and singing.
My Mom is probably getting wicked annoyed with me.
Every five seconds I am singing about something or another.
Whether it be a real song, or me singing stuff like,

"oh where is my shoe? mom did the dog take my shoe? oh never mind I found my shoe."

(And I don't really sing all that quietly most of the time.)
Oh and it has been raining a lot here.

Here is my random dumb-thing-that-I-did for today.
I cut my little toe open with an ironing board. (in my defense it was metal and did not have a cap on the end) (and no mom I was not twirling OR spinning. I was walking normally!!)

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Yay! Virtual hug!!
(Unless its hate or something. In which case, virtual slap.)